I've come to the realization that majority of the world - both The Religious and The Non-Religious - have a unique view of what Faith is; That is, that Faith is this belief in something that is fair fetch and cant possibly have proof of any kind. But this view is far from the truth in which the Scriptures teach.
In the book of Hebrews in the Eleventh in the First verse , the Hebrew wittier writes "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen". Here we see that faith is when things we hope for or want most in this world to be true are confirmed. It is our conviction to what others deem unreal, that makes Faith, well faith.
But then the question arises, how then does one acquire faith? Paul in the Book of Romans in the Tenth chapter in the Seventeenth verse; he writes "So then faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God". Paul doesn't need much explaining here. Faith comes thru the diligent reading of the Scriptures, both The Old and The New Testaments. Now I'm sure you're asking "now what about that proof that makes belief faith?" Well I'm getting to that right now.
Now, I could write an entire book series on the proof that only validities the Scriptures but I wont drag this entry out that long; instead here is just two proofs for now.
In Genesis 11:31 it talks about Abraham lived in the ancient city of Ur. For the longest time Genesis was the only proof of that city and many denied it existed. Until an archeological dig uncovered its ruins, including temples, houses, and the palace complete with king and queens tombs.
The Hittite nation at one time was unknown outside the Biblical accounts until ancient Egyptian and Assyrian records have been discovered that show that the Hittite empire had stood for nearly seven centuries.
I hope that what I have shown today has sparked some interest in the scriptures or even some questions. God Bless
- Ashby
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